Seismological Software available for download
These programs developed, over a period of several years, initially in FORTRAN, were changed to C/C++, and then to Windows. In developing the Windows versions the book "Programming with Windows95" Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press) has been quite helpful. Some of the sections in these program have been simply copied from there. These programs are functional. There is room for improvement, both on the code structure and efficiency. The source codes are included for further improvement and up gradation.Some of these programs write (x,y) plot files. These files can be displayed on the monitor by using a command line program, PIXPLOT, included in the IASPEI Volume 2 (1990). Use of this program was very helpful, and it has been retained. For using another graphics software, the text portion of these files can be removed using an ASCII editor, or these can be removed from the source code of the programs.
1. Properties of Earthquake Ground Motion.
2. Response Spectral Shapes and Spectrum Compatible Accelerograms.
3. Earthquake Hypo central and Magnitude Data and Seismic Risk. |
This page was updated on 11-01-11