demonstration programs show the major portion of computations that can
be accomplished by the programs downloaded from here. These programs
have been written in the basic frame of Windows95. Some of the menu
items have been grayed because the input data and output file names
cannot be changed.
The Ground
Motion Time history Properties program reads the acceleration data from
an ASCII file (including its sampling interval), and derives the
velocity and displacement time histories of the corresponding ground
motion. The program then goes to compute the response
spectrum and power
spectral density of the earthquake ground motion. Peak values of the
ground acceleration, velocity and displacement and some other
statistical properties of the ground motion can be displayed in the
program window. displayed. |
compatible accelerograms are require in engineering design. The basic
input to this program is a response spectrum shape placed in an ASCII
file. The program generates any number of accelerograms, whose response
spectrum matches with the input response spectrum. Spectrum matching of
the synthesized accelerogram can be displayed in the program window. For
more details on the procedure for synthesizing the accelerogram click
here. |